technologies available for licensing

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has a variety of technologies ranging from chemicals to lighting systems to algorithms and everything in-between. Rensselaer’s technologies can help you start a company or be a great addition to your current technology portfolio. To see what technologies are currently available for licensing at Rensselaer, please use the search below. If you have a technology need that Rensselaer’s technologies don’t currently solve, please reach out to IPO to discuss more your needs.

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Many envisioned carbon nanotube (CNT) applications, such as device interconnections in integrated circuits, require directed growth of aligned CNTs, and low-resistance high-strength CNT junctions with tunable chemistry, stability, and electronic properties. However, forming CNT-CNT junctions on the substrate plane in a scalabe fashion, to enable in-plane device circuitry and…
Oxide glasses with earth ions have a number of different applications including: lasers, optical switches, optical amplifiers and have anti-glare properties. These rare earth glasses, however, come with a number of problems including concentration quenching, low solubility, and inhomogenous distributions of the glass components. This invention tackles these issues by providing…
In many industries, the blending of particulate material, for example, powders is often critical to the performance or desired characteristics of the resulting product, for example, the blending of powders to make concrete, the blending of pharmaceuticals, the blending of food ingredients, or the blending of ceramics, among other products. However, the blending equipment…
Displacement chromatography has attracted signifcant attention as a powerful technique for the purification of bioherapeutic proteins and oligunucleotides. Displacement chromatography enables simultaneous concentration and purification in a single step, which is significant in the purifcation of biopharmaceuticals. However, the major obstacle in implementing this technique is…
Isolating individual components of nanoscale architectures comprised of thin films or nanostructures, without significantly impacting their functionalities, is a critical challenge in micro- and nano-scale device fabrication. One example that illustrates this challenge is seen in Cu interconnect structures for nanometer devices. These devices use interfacial barrier nanolayers…
The crystalline lenses of the eyes undergo mechanical, physiological, morphological and refractive changes to adjust the total refractive power of the eyes to maintain sharp visual acuity whenever an object of regard is moved toward and away from the distance at which humans typically view reading material. The aggregate changes experienced by the crystalline lenses of the…
This invention is directed to a self-commissioning photosensor and controller device that turns electric lights on and off using a microprocessor connected to a luminaire. The processor receives signals from a self-commissioned mountable photosensor. The photosensor uses a unique algorithm to control illumination at the task pane making the photosensor more accurate than…
Most lighting level measurements are characterized in terms of illuminance.While this is useful for indoor applications, illuminance levels are not always as useful for outdoor lighting efficiency characterization.Lighting designers and researchers need a method to accurately characterize their outdoor or low level lighting applications. This invention is directed to a system…
There is an increasing interest in using nanoparticles as building blocks for well-defined structures that have practical applications owing to the various novel properties of nanoparticles. However, their assembly is a challenging task. Methods based on surface functionalization, andor template patterning have been used for this purpose, but both of these processes can be…
Interest in biomolecules including proteins and oligonucleotides has exploded in recent years, but while supplies of raw materials are relatively abundant, an ongoing problem encountered is separation andor purification of these materials. Displacement chromatography can be used to perform such difficult separations in an efficient and cost effective manner. However, a major…