technologies available for licensing

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has a variety of technologies ranging from chemicals to lighting systems to algorithms and everything in-between. Rensselaer’s technologies can help you start a company or be a great addition to your current technology portfolio. To see what technologies are currently available for licensing at Rensselaer, please use the search below. If you have a technology need that Rensselaer’s technologies don’t currently solve, please reach out to IPO to discuss more your needs.

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This technology relates to a photopolymerizable class of vinyl ether oligomers which can find application in the areas of coatings, adhesives, printing inks, photoresists and high impact composites. The versatile photopolymerization capability makes these oligomers an excellent strategic candidate for shrinkage control coatings in place of acrylates. These oligomers include…
This technology relates to a high thermal conductivity thermal interface material that allows for the formation of an interconnected, spanning, high thermal conductivity network within the matrix of a polymeric material using nano particles. This material can yield two orders of magnitude higher thermal conductivities than the non-network counterpart, as well as factorial…
This technology relates to liquid lenses, which are adaptive optical elements that avoid some of the drawbacks of mechanical optical elements, such as delayed movements and excess weight. This technology provides an oscillating liquid lens that includes a liquid drop with first and second droplet portions, a second liquid, and a drive that oscillates the liquid drop within a…
This technology relates to nanofilled polymeric materials with a tunable refractive index without increased scattering or loss. The tunability allows the creation of hybrid nanocomposites that combine the advantages of organic polymers (low weight, flexibility, good impact resistance, and excellent processability) and inorganic materials (high refractive index, good chemical…
This technology relates to a process for creating electrodes in which high-surface area nanostructures are fabricated in situ by electrochemically etching a sacrificial scaffold material. Removing a material after it has been built into the cell opens up pores within the electrode whose size and density can be controlled, resulting in higher efficiency and Pt utilization.…
This technology couples the physical layer characteristics of wireless networks with key generation algorithms. It is based on the wireless communication phenomenon known as the principle of reciprocity which states that in the absence of interference both transmitter and receiver experience the same signal envelope. Signal envelope information can provide to the two…
Many envisioned carbon nanotube (CNT) applications, such as device interconnections in integrated circuits, require directed growth of aligned CNTs, and low-resistance high-strength CNT junctions with tunable chemistry, stability, and electronic properties. However, forming CNT-CNT junctions on the substrate plane in a scalabe fashion, to enable in-plane device circuitry and…
Oxide glasses with earth ions have a number of different applications including: lasers, optical switches, optical amplifiers and have anti-glare properties. These rare earth glasses, however, come with a number of problems including concentration quenching, low solubility, and inhomogenous distributions of the glass components. This invention tackles these issues by providing…
Existing liquid lense optical focusing strategies use liquid lenses after transient oscillations have dampened. The challenge with this existing liquid lens approach is two-fold. The first issue is to overcome the liquid inertia to enable a rapid state change, and the second, is to minimize the time it takes for transients induced during stoppage to Subside. Many systems use…
Many times following orthopedic surgery or injury to lower extremeties patients are advised to gradually bear weight on their limb. Since patients do not want to cause further damage or pain to the injury they put little to no weight on the area. The application is necessary, however, for proper recovery. This invention is a mechanical device that indicates to the patient when…