technologies available for licensing

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has a variety of technologies ranging from chemicals to lighting systems to algorithms and everything in-between. Rensselaer’s technologies can help you start a company or be a great addition to your current technology portfolio. To see what technologies are currently available for licensing at Rensselaer, please use the search below. If you have a technology need that Rensselaer’s technologies don’t currently solve, please reach out to IPO to discuss more your needs.

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Behavioral biometrics tools identify users with keystroke dynamics, signature verification, voice recognition, and gesture recognition. These technologies compare a profile of the users against a database created with contextual information, including physiological, cognitive, and contextual traits. Institutions of higher education, governments, and financial institutions use…
Nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) is a response mechanism in plants and algae that allows them to process and dissipate excess excitation energy as heat safely. Collecting fluorescence data from these plants and algae in surface water environments can incur errors from NPQ, ultimately leading to inaccurate calculations of chlorophyll concentration for environmental and…
Researchers at RPI are developing a cognitive logic-enabled AI that can operate on multiple screens and in multiple environments for the K-12 sector. Declining public school math and science test scores have concerned American politicians and educators since the 1980s. This educational failure coincides with the large number of employees unable to fill the growing number of…
The SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to cause major issues around the globe. Thus, effective therapeutics are critically needed to help better control the virus. Researchers at RPI and collaborating institutions have identified HCV protease inhibitor drugs that may be viable SARS-CoV-2 antivirals. These researchers have used the 3D structure of the SARS-CoV-2 protease to evaluate…
Intramembrane proteolytic cleavage is an important process in a number of signaling pathways and pathologies. One of the best-known is that of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), where the gamma-secretase enzyme cleaves amyloid precursor protein (APP) to create free amyloid. This free amyloid accumulates to form amyloid plaques during the later stages of the disease. New drugs are…
Based on the famous ""mfold"", the UNAFold software package is an integrated collection of programs that simulate nucleic acid folding and hybridization, and its melting pathways for one or two single-stranded molecules. The package predicts folding for single-stranded RNA or DNA through combination of free energy minimization, partition function calculations and stochastic…
Rensselaer researchers have developed a scanning electron microscopy based temperature mapping technique which employs a temperature sensitive electron signal for nano-scale resolution, non-contact measurement. It provides enhanced capabilities for investigating heat generation and transfer at the nanoscale to address long-standing issues related to power consumption, heat…
This technology relates to semiconductor devices and growth techniques in the field of III-N semiconductors. For example, the technology provides a semiconductor device with a substrate comprising a groove. A buffer layer is formed on a surface of the groove. The buffer layer has at least one material chosen from AIN, GaN or AlxGa1-xN, where x is between zero and one. An…
This technology relates to visually-guided multiprobe microassembly for assembling micro-electromechanical (MEMS) devices from multiple parts that are assembled rather than using bulk-processes to produce devices monolithically. Current production technologies primarily use a single wafer that is process chemically to produce finished devices. While this is useful for many…
This technology provides an LED design that can greatly improve polarization selectivity, 10:1, resulting in greater efficiency of the LED. The technology lies within a photonic crystal bi-refringent polarization rotator and an oxide spacer. The design blue-shifts transmission, which greatly improves overall efficiency of the LED by recycling wasted light and increasing…