technologies available for licensing

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has a variety of technologies ranging from chemicals to lighting systems to algorithms and everything in-between. Rensselaer’s technologies can help you start a company or be a great addition to your current technology portfolio. To see what technologies are currently available for licensing at Rensselaer, please use the search below. If you have a technology need that Rensselaer’s technologies don’t currently solve, please reach out to IPO to discuss more your needs.

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Researchers at RPI have developed a conceptual notebook/tablet/laptop device that integrates the ability to capture written text onto a flexible screen which can be rolled up after use into storage compartments. The device provides users a dedicated wide screen display for written text/image/drawing capture, is portable and easy to store with screen retraction capability via…
Space exploration within the commercial, business, and military sectors continues to increase, and the development of an autonomous navigation system capable of guidance navigation anywhere in the solar system free from the use of Earthbound orbiting satellites is required to ensure that these operations can be performed safely and accurately. Researchers at Rensselaer created…
Behavioral biometrics tools identify users with keystroke dynamics, signature verification, voice recognition, and gesture recognition. These technologies compare a profile of the users against a database created with contextual information, including physiological, cognitive, and contextual traits. Institutions of higher education, governments, and financial institutions use…
Researchers at Rensselaer have created a technology that combines different modules of an LED light fixture into a single component that can be 3D printed. Combining the modules into a single 3D printed component could decrease overall LED light fixture manufacturing/production costs, reduce required labor for product assembly, and reduce the number of parts necessary to…
Researchers at RPI are developing a cognitive logic-enabled AI that can operate on multiple screens and in multiple environments for the K-12 sector. Declining public school math and science test scores have concerned American politicians and educators since the 1980s. This educational failure coincides with the large number of employees unable to fill the growing number of…
Unlike vitamin D supplements, phototherapy provides a more natural means of vitamin D production. While research has shown that the vitamin D received from supplements is functionally equivalent to that synthesized from natural sunlight, evidence suggests that vitamin D sourced from sunlight remains active in our bodies longer than vitamin D derived from dietary supplements.…
Commonly implanted medical devices containing metal parts (i.e., dental fillings, coils, hip replacements) generate streaks in computed tomography (CT) images, thereby impeding diagnosis and interfering with radiation therapy planning. Inventors at RPI created a novel technique to boost the efficacy of neural networks for metal artifact reduction (MAR) in CT images. Currently…
Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are developing a non-invasive and user-friendly wearable device for monitoring blood pressure, blood glucose, and biomarkers, which could improve quality of life,  decrease healthcare expenditure, and allow for early intervention for potentially serious diseases.    Currently, a major area of interest within the medical…
Researchers at RPI have developed a mixed-reality museum installation called the “World of Plankton (WOP).” WOP offers users a multisensory, interactive game based on phytoplankton ecology. Thanks to a virtual touch pool, users can manipulate and augment imagery of specific fish, microalgae, and other aquatic flora and fauna. Doing so launches sound effects, animation and…
Strokes are one of the primary sources of long-term disability with billions in annual direct and indirect costs to the United States healthcare system. Nearly one-third of all strokes occur in patients with clogged carotid arteries. Carotid artery imaging types include digital subtraction angiography (DSA), duplex ultrasonography (DUS), CT angiography, and MR angiography.…