Line-of-sight detectors and communication systems in sub-THz and THz ranges

The terahertz (THz) band shows promise in terms of providing improved communications capabilities, including the ability for power-enhanced beam-forming and spatial multiplexing and reconfigurable array architectures that meet the capacity demands for 5G applications. All of these attributes of line of sight (LoS) systems in the THz spectral regime allow for wireless bit rates to be augmented without typical issues such as latency or noise complicating the picture.

Fabrication of a local concentrator system

Optical concentrators are used to focus sunlight onto a smaller area where a photovoltaic cell is located in order to reduce the total area (and cost) of PV cells. Concentrators often have problems assocated with higher temperatures and the need to be moved to track the movement of the sun. This technology utilizes double sided PVs and multiple optical elements as a concentrating system to avoid the need for a moving concentrator.