Aminoglycoside-Polyamine Displacers for Displacement Chromatography

Displacement chromatography has attracted signifcant attention as a powerful technique for the purification of bioherapeutic proteins and oligunucleotides. Displacement chromatography enables simultaneous concentration and purification in a single step, which is significant in the purifcation of biopharmaceuticals. However, the major obstacle in implementing this technique is the lack of a sufficient diversity of appropriate displace candidates that are applicable across a wide spectrum of bioseparation demands.


This invention is directed to a step-wise enzymatic synthesis of combinatorial libraries of polymeric compounds prepared on a solid support in a configuration suitable for high-throughput screening for use in drug discovery and related fields. This invention provides compositions and methods for generating and screening libraries of phenolicanilinic polymers (and their related quinine forms) attached to a suitable surface and synthesized using enzymatic catalysis.